
Add a comment to share your results from using End Point Vision (EPV).

  • What is your EPV
  • What specific action did you take
  • What results did you experience

6 Responses to Results

  1. Peter Jones says:

    My EPV is progressing nicely. I am wasteing less time on things that don’t matter and spending more time on the things that do matter.

  2. Peter Jones says:

    My EPV is to be more focused on the things that matter. My action is to find out what matters. The results are that I have more time and do things better.

  3. Rick McLeod says:

    Dan/ Vic
    Gentlemen, what a great way to spend a Saturday morning. (good food too!) within 24hrs (30 Actually) I had a tel-seminar with a contact in New York to acquire a skill I want in my tool box. within 72 hrs had made contact with a local person for their assistance in learning this skill. next week I will be meeting with this person. Rick McLeod

  4. Scott Goddard says:

    My overall EPV is that I am an Educational Resource Person with an expertise in the application and use of Assistive Technology. As a first step, I have an appointment to meet with an AT Specialist at the University of Victoria to discuss a Mentorship arrangement.

    My current focus is on Dragon NaturallySpeaking. My goal is to be able to control my computer completely by voice by the end of December 2012. I have stumbled on this recently, and have let myself be distracted by things that are not directly linked with the realization of my EPV.

    Thank you for the gentle kicks-in-the-butt. They’re very helpful!

  5. K Miles says:

    Hmmm.. I started my meditation class, and I’m practicing that regularly. I need a new next step but I’m not sure what it might be….

  6. Anonymous says:

    Hi Dan and Vic,
    My early EPVs are progressing and I’m feeling good about them. It has brought me to realize that there are a couple of large EPVs in my life that I would like to be progressing. I would like to take the course again to help cement it in to my brain, too.
    Thanks again,
    Peter Jones

Describe your EPV, action and results